Written 2008, Reviewed 2012
Text.Totalism is an attempt to establish a software platform & also the content (🔗tt-archive) of a hypertextual compendium of theory, featuring F2F spread and content access, ability to latently reference any piece of any written text (🔗linkroute), and most of all, the study of novel, advanced forms of dealing with theory (🔗hyperreader): annotation, textual layers, "every read is an interpretation is a theoretical addition", Remix, co&juxta-positioning of versions, etc. At the same time, the whole logic of choice ("what to read") is also considered and made a part of the system, denying legitimacy to arbitrary pickings in libraries/bookshops, and actively referring to the next of your 1000 books you'll ever read (out of the ~100 mil.). An alternative (🔗sylabbi) is investigated, and programatically put in place of, to the known institutions of university reading lists, chasing references in likeable texts, and showers of recommendations. We are in contact with OKFN's Textus/OpenPhilosophy project.
Text.Totalism is an attempt to establish a software platform & also the content (🔗tt-archive) of a hypertextual compendium of theory, featuring F2F spread and content access, ability to latently reference any piece of any written text (🔗linkroute), and most of all, the study of novel, advanced forms of dealing with theory (🔗hyperreader): annotation, textual layers, "every read is an interpretation is a theoretical addition", Remix, co&juxta-positioning of versions, etc. At the same time, the whole logic of choice ("what to read") is also considered and made a part of the system, denying legitimacy to arbitrary pickings in libraries/bookshops, and actively referring to the next of your 1000 books you'll ever read (out of the ~100 mil.). An alternative (🔗sylabbi) is investigated, and programatically put in place of, to the known institutions of university reading lists, chasing references in likeable texts, and showers of recommendations. We are in contact with OKFN's Textus/OpenPhilosophy project.
Text.Totalism je poskus vzpostavitve platforme & tudi contenta zakljucene hipertekstualne zbirke (🔗tt-archive), z F2F sirjenjem in dostopom do vsebin, moznostjo latentnega referenciranja kateregakoli teksta (🔗linkroute), in predvsem studij naprednih oblik branja (🔗hyperreader): anotiranje, plasti, "vsako branje je interpretacija je teoretski prispevek", remix, so&proti-postavitve verzij. Hkrati se preiskuje tudi samo logiko izbire (🔗sylabbi)- sistem je grajen proti "you might also like", ter zavraca arbitrarnost vlecenja s polic v knjiznici/knjigarni, s tem da aktivno napotuje na naslednjo izmed tistih 1000 knjig (izmed 100 mil.), ki jih bos prebral v zivljenju. Tukaj isce nove odvode med znanimi zapovedanimi "seznami literature" na faksih, sledenjem referenc v kul tekstih, ter priporocili z vseh smeri. V kontaktu smo tudi z OKFN (Textus/OpenPhilosophy).
Text.Totalism je poskus vzpostavitve platforme & tudi contenta zakljucene hipertekstualne zbirke (🔗tt-archive), z F2F sirjenjem in dostopom do vsebin, moznostjo latentnega referenciranja kateregakoli teksta (🔗linkroute), in predvsem studij naprednih oblik branja (🔗hyperreader): anotiranje, plasti, "vsako branje je interpretacija je teoretski prispevek", remix, so&proti-postavitve verzij. Hkrati se preiskuje tudi samo logiko izbire (🔗sylabbi)- sistem je grajen proti "you might also like", ter zavraca arbitrarnost vlecenja s polic v knjiznici/knjigarni, s tem da aktivno napotuje na naslednjo izmed tistih 1000 knjig (izmed 100 mil.), ki jih bos prebral v zivljenju. Tukaj isce nove odvode med znanimi zapovedanimi "seznami literature" na faksih, sledenjem referenc v kul tekstih, ter priporocili z vseh smeri. V kontaktu smo tudi z OKFN (Textus/OpenPhilosophy).