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< DRAFT++ >

Possibly tactical institutions of academia, theory, design, etc.

    ~2015 base
    ~2017 last updated! currently in review!
    20210310 moveover + ping
Ties to:
    * 🔗systematics
    * 🔗teaching
    * [...]


Hyper-academic / Universities
    * New School, NYC/USA:
        also see Wiki🔗Eugene_Lang_College_of_Liberal_Arts
    * European Graduate School (EGS), Malta & Switzerland:
        * AHS (Arts, Health and Society Division) division
    * Jan Van Eyck, NL:
        "Multiform institute for fine art, design and reflection"
    * Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, USA:
        * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Mudd_College
    * Goldsmiths, London/UK:
        * the labs
        * http://www.gold.ac.uk/cpct/
        * "Creative Computing" department
        * ARITHMUS project
    * Aalto, Helsinki:
        * Medialab : Systems of Representation http://sysrep.uiah.fi/
    * RCA, London/UK
    * Leuphana, Lüneburg/DE:
        * Post-Media lab [discontinued; because 'follow the funding; plus turn to 'advanced studies' academic style]
        * 'Centre for Digital Cultures' as virtual trans-academic brand; (still) mainly powered by DCRL (Digital Cultures Research Lab) as 'transmission unit'
        * some work on "hacker" topic now (Marcel Mars, etc)
        * [...]
    * Black Mountain College, NC/USA
    * Queen Mary University, London/UK:
        * Computational Creativity Lab
    * UCL London/UK:
        * UCL STEaPP ... Action Research (Tech + Policy)
        * Institute of Making research makerspace (?)
    * International Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag/NE:

Departments, Labs, Institutes etc
    * The Piet Zwart Institute (Master Media Design and Communication) @Rotterdam/NL
    * MIT Media Lab @MA/USA
    * http://www.hiit.fi/research / http://www.hiit.fi/augmentedresearch @Helsinki/FI
    * Datactive @University of Amsterdam/NL
    * ASPECT at Virginia Tech VA/USA
    * V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam/NL)
    * Transnational Institute (Amsterdam/NL)

Para-academic: foundations, new institutions, etc

Also see → 🔗alike

    * The Situationist International (late 50s-60s-early 70s), see wiki
    * Yippies (late 60s/70s), see wiki and the book (TT🔗yippie)
    * totalism.org hackbase "a tactical post-capitalism platform, researching and building hackbases (live-in hackerspaces) free lifestyle infrastructure" (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)
    * Telekommunisten with Dmytri Kleiner and Baruch Gottlieb 
    * PAF Performing arts Forum (France)
    * P2P Foundation with pre-2018(!) Michel Bauwens:
        regarding that, see 🔗for-michelbauwens
    * n55 (Copenhagen/DE and "Land"), see about
    * Tiqqun journal / group
    * id22 (Berlin/DE)
    * HKW Anthropocene Curriculum / Campus (Berlin/DE)
    * continent. "maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking, traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, biopolitics and art"
    * Waag Society, "institute for art, science and technology" (Amsterdam/NL) 
    * Shuttleworth foundation (South Africa)
    * Chelsea Hotel ~50-80s (?), NYC/USA

    * Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany)
    * Kaospilots (Aarhus, Denmark)
    * Uni Witten-Herdecke (Witten, Germany)
    * Knowmads (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Publishers, Magazines, E-Libraries, etc
    * Monoskop, "a wiki for collaborative studies of the arts, media and humanities"
    * Semiotext(e)
    * Verso
    * Polity Books \ Theory Redux
    * E-Flux http://www.e-flux.com/ / https://www.facebook.com/efluxeflux/
    * Aaaarg "pirate library" http://aaaaarg.fail/ / https://www.facebook.com/aaaarg.org/
    * http://custodians.online
    * [...] !


    * associate people (professors/researchers) with institutions/departments

    * collect syllabae ("reading lists") and cross-associate:
        who reads what? what is canonical? what is understudied? etc

    * serve to connect and make people working/interested in similar directions become aware of each other, and meet

    * who teaches X?
        X=McKenzie Wark, Norbert Wiener, Ted Nelson, Alexander Bogdanov, ...

    * where to study outlandish inter/trans-disciplinary topics:
        complex systems, tektology, systems theory, ...

    * traverse interesting conferences/events/academics, and investigate where they come from
        CCC hacker events, HKW Campus, [...]

    * do "query expansion": bundle what is already found together

    * [...] !


Add what you find missing here → [...]
### [!!] resort this!


    * http://www.artandeducation.net/about/
    * "Who's who in Media Research":
        * https://www.scribd.com/doc/153163537/Who-s-Who-in-Research-Media-Studies
        * http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/W/bo14244266.html
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_colleges_in_Europe
    * https://github.com/jwyg/data-journalism-courses
    * "New Babylon" (Constant Nieuwenhuys):
    * "Project Sigma" (Alexander Trocchi):
    * mitX "micromasters":
        * https://micromasters.mit.edu/dedp/
    * http://www.inura.org/ international network for urban research and action 
    * http://rcpp.lensbased.net/ Research Center for Proxy Politics
    * http://anthropocene.au.dk/ AURA: Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene
    * http://www.kit.edu KIT Karlsruhe:
        specifically https://www.itas.kit.edu/ , via friend: "No single "critical engineer" can cover all consequences of technological progress - such as: political, economical, social and  other implications. My favorite science-fiction novels cover social and/or political topics as well. Indeed in Germany there is an institute covering these topics and reserching: Institut fuer Technikfolgenabschaetzung. Which means there is an Institude for an estimation of possible results concerning the society, when we apply or develop new technologies."
    * north Italy thing Paul mentioned .... +cumbia knows?
    * German uni where you can graduate / phd from "hacking" ?
    * http://www.oceanuniversity.org/
    * "Scott Page is the Leonid Hurwicz Collegiate Professor of Complex Systems, Political Science, and Economics at the University of Michigan and an external faculty member at the Santa Fe Institute"
    * http://www.apass.be/ @Brussels/BE
    * http://threecrises.org Collected research by Brian Holmes on crisis theory and social change
    * https://www.traficantes.net/nociones-comunes [para-academic]. madrid
    * http://www.pifas.net/main/history Philadelphia Institute for Advanced Studies ?
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Advanced_Study ???
    * https://www.facebook.com/napon.org/?ref=br_rs
    * HumLab (Umea) http://www.humlab.umu.se/en
    * The Public School (Berlin) http://thepublicschool.org/
    • The Slow University (Warzaw)
    * http://icd.uni-stuttgart.de/?cat=6 ? Stuttgart Computational Design
    * The New Centre for Research & Practice:
        example event see https://www.facebook.com/events/1985678384989962/
        "The New Centre for Research & Practice is conceived upon the idea that the space of knowledge is a laboratory for navigating the links between thought and action. Our pedagogical approach bootstraps the conventional role of the Arts and Sciences to construct new forms of research and practice alongside, within, and between the existing disciplines and technologies. The New Centre’s aim is a constructivist one, to assemble an environment, both virtual and actual, that inspires our members to invent alternate understandings that can be put into collective practice."
    * https://www.facebook.com/New-Left-Review-12792549719/
    * "The event will take place at Pratt Institute (Manhattan Campus), The New School for Social Research, and e-flux."
    * https://www.facebook.com/pages/?ref=page_suggestions_on_liking_refresh&frompageid=268554213346104
    * https://www.facebook.com/globalcenterforadvancedstudies/
    * https://www.facebook.com/AeonMagazine/
    * https://www.facebook.com/hyperallergic/
    * https://www.facebook.com/livinginthefuturemag/
    * Madrid cooperative of sociology researchers (work) <david.serrano
    * Interface cultures, @Linz/AT  
    * https://www.facebook.com/pg/ALLEGRALAB/about/?ref=page_internal
    * "CIF" @ Madrid +edu +cumbia:
        cooking <-> education ("formation") + theory + making + "pluriversity" + ...
        starts in early 2017 (?)
        metrics driven (?)
    * in general: postuni big conceptual projects
    * university comparisons in general:
    * https://www.stifterverband.org/ and https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/
    * [...]

Comment by X:
    "i think the problem is that there is not a bridge and link between people that are doing valuable research within institutes and academia and the massive public. I believe that there is no need to do MEDIA RESEARCH or PRESS research, but
there is a need  to think and reflect HOW to bridge the gap between people who watch television and people who are not obedient in terms of following the mass public opinion. I think this is the real challenge.
Why I am saying this? In AMsterdam I have done internship at the best globally leading research institute - TNI - but they didn't have the proper link in networking the wider public opinion within EU. I think if they could accomplish this, a lot would be done."


🍄 List of academic publishers experimenting with new models 
*for papers that simply refuse to wait 3+ years to get published!

#text project at @goettingen
DARIAH-DE supports digitally-enabled research and teaching in the arts and the humanities. For this purpose, the project is developing a research infrastructure in support of service and research data as well as materials for research and teaching in the Digital Humanities (DH). 

+cornell.uni divesting from fosill fuels

ha !

"historically black women's college in Atlanta USA, there are four HBCU there, Atlanta is the most progressive for black people in the South East USA, I mean, Martin Luther King Jr, duh"

( associated with panke.gallery )

strelka institute
how / when did it start?
2019-09 it looks like it "came from nowhere"

+gal kirn @ICI BERLIN
The ICI Berlin is an independent research centre dedicated to exploring how diverse cultures can be brought into productive rather than pernicious confrontation.
The Institute enacts an expansive and deliberately dissonant understanding of culture that includes cultural formations (involving categories of class, gender, sexuality, and race) as well as fields of knowledge production (science, art, economics, law, media, politics).

"""I started a masters degree in Political Ecology, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir in Spain. I worked all year and but I am short the remaining fees for the university ICTA UAB, which are €3,960. """ < Cassandra Kiki Ami

* Radical Networks :
    publishing books !!!
    definitely try to collab on #bookproject

* Commune Magazine:

* https://twitter.com/SustainLabRCA

* http://gd-impact.org/

* http://www.antiuniversity.org/  !!!:
    "Antiuniversity Now is a collaborative experiment to challenge institutionalised education, access to learning and the mechanism of knowledge creation and distribution." (2021)
    "A collaborative experiment in autonomous radical learning. Self-organised education as direct action. Antiuni 2018 is on 9-15 June. #AgitateEducateOrganise"

* generation R & associated:
    * https://github.com/TIBHannover/Generation_R/blob/master/consultation/README.md
    * https://github.com/mrchristian
    * https://sfdora.org/read/ :
        San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
    * [...]

    https://gcas.ie/take-action/ (PhD application by 1st oct, dublin)

* University of Amersfoort: http://universiteitamersfoort.nl/en/home

* EcoSystemics (Genoa, ITA):
    """is a research group of the Architecture and Design Department, Polytechnic School of Genoa, made up of researchers and professors working in the field of technology for architectural design.
EcoSystemics' fields of research are connected to the transfer of sustainable development principles to building design and planning at different scales with an interdisciplinary approach.
Among the area of interest:
  • sustainable planning and environmental assessment
  • design and energy retrofitting
  • sustainable materials
  • vegetation in architecture and in urban areas.

* https://Otherforms.net :
    via Alan Smart

* Glenn Albrecht:
    """Glenn Albrecht (born 1953) was Professor of Sustainability at Murdoch University in Western Australia. He retired in 2014. He is an honorary fellow in the School of Geosciences of the University of Sydney. 
In 2008, Albrecht finished as the Associate Professor in Environmental Studies in University of Newcastle in New South Wales. He has become known for coining the neologism solastalgia[1] and symbiocene.[2]""":
    also sumbiocracy!

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Western_Ontario_Faculty_of_Information_%26_Media_Studies :
    Tor / Nick Dyer-Witheford (cyber/marxism)

* https://nofreeviewnoreview.org/
    via ###

* https://www.ff.uni-lj.si/en/protests-art-practices-and-culture-memory-post-yugoslav-context (Gal Kirn)

* https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U0rzXGXqDoYN-GWecOzMwUtCCXJ-r7TJ6AKitQZbsyI/edit
This is a vetted list of resources at the intersection of technology, philosophy, politics, cultural studies, and the social sciences. Let me know what I should add: stamm@vt.edu.

* https://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

* https://cup.columbia.edu/book/the-scopus-diaries-and-the-illogics-of-academic-survival/9783838211992
Now that academics are required to be teachers, managers, media catalyzers, analysts, fundraisers, and social media animals: How do you strike a good balance between what is expected from you and what you want to do?
What conferences to attend? How to find the money to go there? Is it worth it to act as a peer reviewer? What publishers are best to target? Is publishing a chapter in an edited book worth the work?
This book is intended to help scholars to design and think strategically about their own career. Beginning with “How to get published in good journals,” it explores a number of questions that most academics encounter at various stages of their careers.

* <leo:
    """I am not dismissing all of the work produced in this and related fields, much of which is important, interesting, and, can we say, somehow, emancipatory, in many ways.   But this is one of the the hardest pill to swallow:
All the researchers, professors, writers, publishers, department heads, artists, curators, that comprises the Post-Colonial Academic Industrial Complex, who gain legitimacy and platform from endless papers explaining and righteously condemning the crimes of their ancestors, and who, for example, spend hours digging through colonial archives to choose some curiosity to make a research project or installation out of, living on grants from the likes of the Ford Foundation and their hydra-headed subsidiaries, are ultimately still feeding from the teats of colonialism and benefiting from its legacy.   
That's the material basis for, among other things, the unanimous support for neo-colonialism / imperialism in this sector."""

* https://sfpc.study/ (new site), http://sfpc.io/ (old)
          Spring 2024 ·          The School for Poetic Computation is an experimental school in New York City supporting interdisciplinary          study in art, code, hardware and critical theory. It's a place for learning and unlearning.                    Learn more about us here. 

* SNDO Amsterdam
Bruno Listopad
2 mil py, 120pppy

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“If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.” —— Frank Zappa