"hacc 2" pad


"Transform ccc congress, camp (21.-25.08.2019), assembly?"
  • make CCC events sustainable
  • Orga says: we can try what we want, initiate a team
  • possible solutions are maybe hard to implement
  • people are already at their limits
  • climate neutral congress is good, but not enough for society transition
  • could still be a model event
  • Bits&Bäume ppl will help (Rainer, Juliane, Anja; reached via 35c3@bits-und-baeume.org)

Concrete projects - event infrastructure
  • recycling
    • establish trash cans for separate collection (talk to Bernd Keller/PL/$responsible_person)
    • provide reusable cups with c3-logo, like congress shirts and such
  • waste
    • work with backstage kitchen, messe, bar with regards to one-time-use plastics (straws, plates, plastic bottles)
    • talk to heaven with regards to plastic bottles for angels
  • gathering statistics
    • what was the electric energy consumption of 35C3 in kWh (kilowatt hours)? this is documented in the "infrastructure review" talk, but it currently is not accessible on media.ccc.de A friend of VOC told me, they already know that.
  • compost toilets (camp) - faze
    • other festivals are doing that, learn?
  • energy supply @ camp (currently: diesel generators) - kay
    • faze talked with fengel (power orga) about using renewables. key results: 
    • build a transformer -> transforming what to what?
    • seems really hard, but research
    • DC smart grid
    • Combine with art installation
    • how about a truck full of hydrogen combined with a few fuel cells for camp? too expensive source? diesel is pretty expensive, too camp consumed at least 37,000 litres of diesel.
  • energy supply @ congress - kay
    • i was told, the main contact person would be "Ralph"
    • Open Nanogrid (SELV DC grid)
  • food choices - blipp
    • apple supply
    • vegan/vegetarian food stalls
  • compensate emissions - steph
    • concrete steps? calculate co2 output of event?
    • perhaps this is only really useful after having at least some statistical data?
    • put on all tickets, how much would it increase?
  • assembly outreach - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
    • involve ngos?
  • Questionaire
  • network optimisation (with a masters thesis) - kay
    • i wonder, how the efficiency of the network differs between day and night time -- could large parts of the power consuming network infrastructure (switches etc.) be shut down during some low activity hours? Can SDN (software defined networks) help in that? I don't know the topology of the network -- need to talk about that with NOC (network operation center).
    • proposed ideas should ideally not need a change in how the network is usually built, as it works pretty good. don't want to annoy anyone.
    • main limiation is equipement support, for sdn etc you need a lot of new equiment that is expensive.
  * ride sharing
    • do not drive alone, travel with like-minded people, reduce traffic and pollution
    • to the event, from the event, during the event
    • integrated with registration/ticket sale to offer or search for ride
    • fnark@mailbox.org

Concrete projects - event content
  • sustainability discussion track
  • content-track - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
  • assembly - Rainer, Juliane, Anja
  • village on camp?

"DIRECT ACTION PROJECTS" (2019: "Extinction Rebellion")
  • create synergies between climate camps&hackers
  • What are possible activities to do against climate change? (as hackers)
    • workshops with climate groups? (for example about anonymous communication/it security)
    • Online Civil Disobedience
  • There was a workshop about this at the Bits&Bäume conference here is the protocol of the ideas:

"General Climate Change & Actions for individuals" aka. "How to live sustainable in private?"

Notes from the session are here:

Representation, Data and Media"

Copy (slightly edited and formated) of the notes originaly created in https://pad.totalism.org/p/hacc

    * david@totalism.org
    * raphael@acousticcloud.net:
        * on munich wiki: ???
        * on hackcsvi ??? >raphael
        * [...]

Workflow/Collaboration Group

  • one pad [xx]
  • mailing list (seth)
  • [...]

    * chat:
    • IRC freenode/hackint #hacc
    • telegram / slack
    * "mediawiki"
    * check loomio & "notion"
    * write more protocols


* collect sources of information:
    where is data coming from, available, ...
#tomerge with other sessions

* journalists and media could publish this:
    it would be open-editable & CC

* representation systems & media:
    see → TOTALISM🔗representation.systems
ozone vs CO2 (to show that even extremly small amounts of trace gases and its changes in concentration can have an huge inpact)
-> examples to connect established and widely acknowledged facts to facts concering climate change 


for assembly:
    * 2 projectors
    * show cool visualizations all the time
    * this groups collects and curates them:
    * also memes ?!

(Of this group)
TO CONVINCE, RAISE AWARENESS, [and provide reproducible convincing]

Q: What is the audience?:
  • Participants of the Congress, Camp and other CCC or more general hacker related events
  • other groups of the green and sustainable movement???
  • Pupils, students???

Q: Why are people not convinced?
"it's affecting everyone ... if not directly, then indirectly"

    HAVE SYSTEM FOR THAT, THAT WORKS EASILY without extra effort !!!

Q: "To convince WHAT?"
    * ... there is a problem
    * ... it can be solved
    * ... you have to do this


"I was working with fake news ...":
    "we started to develop knowledge management group for news"
    check: memex browser extension
    day 4 @ 3pm room 14-1
    "memex" browser extension ...
    link ###

Q: We need hardware infrastructure:
    * "USE https://HACKERSPACES.ORG"
    * ###

    offer our skils to aliied groups:
        scientsts, demo, journalists etc

use stack overflow ?:
    use it for climate change ARGUMENTATION 
    with @ tim at aldea-digital de

make list (index) of useful SYSTEMATICS

linked data stuff

information appropriation action
psychological means etc
methodological tools to act together
.... emillian

### @

*** Who are We?

  • Kay (kay.b@posteo.de)
    • B.Eng. Mechatronics, currently writing thesis for M.Sc. Computer Science about Low-CPU/High-Bandwidth Ethernet
    • Skills: Reparing stuff (Repair Café), Linux, Python, C/C++, Electronics, Electric Machines, Bicycles
  • Mathias (mail@mathias-renner.com)
    • M. Sc. Information Systems, focus on Energy Informatics and Data Mining
    • Skills: experience how to reduce CO2 footprint in everyday live, e.g. measure own consumption helps a lot
  • faze (faze-ccc@riseup.net)
    • knows how to connect with some of the right people within ccc
    • active in ende gelände and similar direct actions
  • Seth (seth@hasi.it)
    • BSc (medical) computer science 
    • Minor fields of experience: cofounding a cooperative, crowdfunding
  • bodems (bodems@bodems.net)
    • B. Eng. Electrical Engineering with focus on Power Systems, working on M. Eng in Electrical Engineering
    • Skills: Good overview about energy system in Germany, Sysadmin things (especially networks), growing experience in direct actions
  • Till (breuertill@gmail.com)
    • studied Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology - worked / working as Software Engineer, Data Scientist and as Deep Learning Engineer
    • Skills: Thinking, problem solving; programming, statistics, machine learning, data analysis - Interests: Ecology, society, economics, cognitive and behavioral science
  • Jürgen (mutpircs@posteo.de)
    • background in humanities and public law plus climate adaption
    • active in ende gelände
  • Tim (tim@alder-digital.de)
  • Raphael (raphael@acousticcloud.net)
    • Mechanical engineer / measurement techniques
    • Interested in science, measurment techniques
  • Leo (mail@leolenz.de)
  • Fnark (fnark@mailbox.org)
    • I added ride sharing after the 35c3. I found the pad only then
    • computer scientist aka Informatiker
    • web and mobile software development, Java, JavaScript, kotlin, Python
    • geo informatics, GIS

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